Rowing for All

Rowing for All (R4A) is a grassroots sports project promoting social inclusion, equal opportunity and greater mobility through rowing across Europe. 

The project aims to promote social inclusion of marginalised communities – people who experience disadvantage – within the sport of rowing. The project will raise awareness of equality and inclusion issues within rowing and will promote equal opportunities for participation, development and mobility. 

The project has worked on strategies to open rowing up to participants who face a wide range of barriers, as well as reengaging former and current marginalised people who row. The specific groups of people this project will target are those who might be considered as equality groups: people with physical disabilities, people with learning (mental, intellectual or communication disorder) disabilities, older people (mainly older women), and people with diverse sexual and gender identities (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex).  Each of the clubs participating already has a specific success with one of those groups. 

Project activities

Activation day, Largs December 2021


Project meeting and activation, Nijmegen July 2022

Project meeting and conference, Lisbon April 2023


Project meeting and activation, Manosque October 2023


Rowing for All campaign collection

Rowing for all – inclusive rowing recommendations


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


Beyond2: Perspectives on hetero/homo normativity in sports